
How To Pronounce Naaman In The Bible

Naaman (Hebrew: נַעֲמָן Naʿămān, "pleasantness") the Aramean was a commander of the armies of Ben-Hadad II, the king of Aram-Damascus, in the time of Joram, king of State of israel.

According to the Bible, Naaman was a commander of the army of Syria. He was a good commander and was held in favor considering of the victory that God brought him. Yet Naaman was a leper. Naaman's wife had a retainer girl from Israel who said that a prophet at that place would be able to heal him. Naaman tells his lord this and he is sent to Israel with a letter of the alphabet to the king. The rex of Israel didn't know what to practise, yet Elisha (Eliseus) sent a message to the King, advising that the King tell Naaman to come to see him. Elisha so told Naaman to get bathe in the Jordan vii times and he would be clean. Naaman was aroused and would take left, only his servant asked him to try information technology and he was healed. A servant of Elisha, Gehazi, seeing Naaman existence turned away from offer God offerings, ran later him and falsely asked for wearable and silver for visitors. And the leprosy from Naaman fell on Gehazi and would remain in his descendants.

Tanakh [edit]

Naaman is mentioned in 2 Kings 5 of the Tanakh in Hebrew equally "וְ֠נַעֲמָן שַׂר־ צְבָ֨א מֶֽלֶךְ־ אֲרָ֜ם" or "Naaman captain of the regular army of the King of Aram".

Now Naaman, the general of the king of Aram, was a prominent man before his lord and respected, for through him had the Lord given victory to Aram; and the human being was a bang-up warrior, and he was a mezora. Now the Arameans went out in bands and captured from the state of Israel a young daughter, who ministered to Naaman's married woman.

Co-ordinate to the narrative, he is chosen a mezora (מְּצֹרָע), a person affected by the skin illness tzaraath (צָּרַעַת, tzara'at).[1] When the Hebrew slave-girl who waits on his wife tells her of a Jewish prophet in Samaria who can cure her primary, he obtains a alphabetic character from King Ben-Hadad Two of Aram to Rex Joram of Israel in which Ben-Hadad asks Joram to arrange for the healing of his subject Naaman. Naaman proceeds with the letter to King Joram. The king of Israel suspects in this – to him – impossible request a pretext of Syrian arab republic for later starting a war against him, and tears his clothes.

When the prophet Elisha hears about this, he sends for general Naaman. But rather than personally receiving Naaman when the latter arrives at Elisha's firm, Elisha merely sends a messenger to the door who tells Naaman to cure his illness past dipping himself seven times in the Hashemite kingdom of jordan River. Naaman, a man of heathen religion who is unfamiliar with the Jewish mezora, had expected the prophet himself to come up out to him and to perform some kind of impressive ritual magic; he angrily refuses, and prepares to go home unhealed. Merely after Naaman'due south slaves suggest to their main that he has nothing to lose by at to the lowest degree giving it a try since the task is a elementary and easy one, he takes his bathroom in the Jordan river every bit a mikveh as instructed and finds himself healed. (The mikveh is a bath used for ritual immersion in Judaism.)

Naaman returns to Elisha with lavish gifts, which Elisha flatly refuses to accept. Naaman also renounces his erstwhile god Rimmon after beingness cured by Elisha - acknowledges solely the God of Israel.[2] [3] He does, however, ask for sacrificial altar soil to be given him to take back domicile and that the God of Israel pardon him when he enters the temple of Rimmon as part of his obligations to the male monarch of Syrian arab republic.[4]

Rabbinic literature [edit]

Co-ordinate to Rabbinic teaching, Naaman was the archer who drew his bow at a venture and mortally wounded Ahab, Rex of State of israel (I Kings xxii. 34). This event is alluded to in the words "because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria" (II Kings 5. 1), and therefore the Syrian king, Naaman's master, was Benhadad (Midrash Shoḥer Ṭob to. Ps. threescore.; Arama, "'Aḳedat Yiẓḥaḳ," ch. lxi.). Naaman is represented as vain and haughty, on account of which he was stricken with leprosy (Num. R. seven. five; comp. Arama, 50.c.). Tanḥuma, Tazria' (finish), yet, says that Naaman was stricken with leprosy for taking an Israelitish maiden and making her his wife's servant (comp. II Kings v. 2). Naaman is understood every bit Moab in the expression "Moab is my washpot" (Ps. lx. 8), which the Rabbis regard as an allusion to Naaman'due south bathing in the Jordan; the appellation "Moab" is a play on the discussion "abi" (= "my begetter"), past which Naaman was addressed past his servants in II Kings 5. 13 (Num. R. xiv. four). Naaman was a "ger toshab," that is, he was not a perfect proselyte, having accepted only some of the commandments (Giṭ. 57b; Deut. R. ii.). The Mekilta (Yitro, 'Amaleḳ, one), nonetheless, places Naaman'southward conversion higher up Jethro's.[5]

As the object of the narrative of Naaman's sickness and restoration to health is, apparently, to form a link in the long serial of miracles performed by Elisha, the redactor of 2 Kings did not concern himself to indicate the time when this effect occurred. The rabbinical tradition that Naaman was the archer (I Kings xxii. 34) who mortally wounded Ahab seems to take been adopted past Josephus ("Ant." viii. xv, § 5). If the tradition is correct, the Syrian king whom Naaman served must have been Ben-hadad 2.; merely as the interval between the decease of Ahab and the curing of Naaman'south leprosy is non known, it is impossible to identify the King of Israel to whom Naaman was sent with a letter of the alphabet. Ewald ("Gesch." iii. 552 et seq.) thinks the king referred to was Jehoahaz, while Schenkel ("Biblical Lexicon") suggests Jehu, but the general view is that it was Jehoram. The passage ("because past him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria," II Kings 5. 1) upon which the identification of Naaman with Ahab'southward slayer is based past the Rabbis is referred past G. Rawlinson, however (in the "Speaker'southward Commentary"), to the Syrian triumph over Shalmaneser 2. (comp. Rawlinson, "Ancient Monarchies," ii. 344, 361).[5]

The request of Naaman to exist permitted to comport away ii mules' burden of Israelitish globe for the purpose of erecting upon information technology an altar on which to offer sacrifices to Yhwh, reflects the belief of those days that the god of each land could be worshiped only on his own soil. The expression "So he departed from him a little manner" (; Two Kings v. 19) seems to contradict the assertion of Naaman'due south intention to return to Syria with the two loads of earth. The word is transliterated in the Septuagint (Vatican) δεβραθα and (Lucian) χαβραθα, while the Alexandrian codex has καὶ ἀπῆλθεν ἀπ' ἀυτōν ἀπό τῆς γῆς Ἰσραηλ, apparently reading . Klostermann ("Die Bücher Samuelis und der Könige"), while supplying, with the Alexandrian codex, the word , connects this passage with Naaman's departure with the loads of earth, and renders the passage equally "and he carried away from him about a cor of the earth of State of israel."[v]

New Testament [edit]

Naaman is as well mentioned in Luke 4:27 of the New Testament, in Greek every bit "Ναιμὰν ὁ Σύρος" or "Naaman the Syrian", a leper.

In that location were as well many lepers in Israel in the fourth dimension of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.'

Christian theology depicts Naaman equally an case for the volition of God to relieve people who are considered by men every bit less than pious and unworthy of conservancy. The Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament, uses the word baptizein for the dipping that heals the heathen Naaman from the peel disease called tzaraath. The new baptism takes place in the Jordan River where Jesus of Nazareth, likewise chosen the Christ by his followers, was baptized many centuries later on.

See also [edit]

  • Gehazi
  • Naamah (disambiguation)
  • Nu'man

References [edit]

  1. ^ Often translated equally leprosy, this illness or affliction, was not today'south leprosy. Leprosy as known today did not come to Ancient Israel until Alexander the Slap-up returned from his 327 to 325 BCE expedition to India.
  2. ^ ii Kings 5:15 - "Then he returned to the man of God, he and all his visitor; he came and stood earlier him and said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel [...]."
  3. ^ "God Loves Naaman". Word Journey. 29 August 2008. Archived from the original on viii September 2008. Retrieved vii September 2008.
  4. ^ 2 Kings five:17–xviii
  5. ^ a b c  This article incorporates text from a publication at present in the public domain:Hirsch, Emil One thousand.; Seligsohn, M.; Bacher, Wilhelm (1901–1906). "Naaman". In Vocaliser, Isidore; et al. (eds.). The Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

Sources [edit]

  • Public Domain This commodity incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Easton, Matthew George (1897). "Naaman". Easton'due south Bible Dictionary (New and revised ed.). T. Nelson and Sons.


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