
When Is It Too Late To Fix Improper Latch

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Too late to fix latch?

My daughter was born with a tongue necktie and had it clipped ii days after she was born. I worked with a LC in the hospital because my daughter had a poor latch. Once it was clipped, it seemed like her latch was okay, but recently I've been in more hurting. I'm trying to figure out why and all signs point to a poor latch. She is now iv weeks old and I'thou worried it's too belatedly to right her latch. I'm also worried it's too late to fix the damage that has been done to my nipples. Everything I'k reading days they shouldn't exist shaped similar lipstick, but both nipples are. My nipples are as well really small, so I hope that's not affecting information technology either. Any communication?


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I was all the same convinced around 6-8 weeks that baby still had a bad latch. Shallow. I never saw milk, he took forever to eat and my nipples ever looked like lipstick. But I wasn't in pain and he was going through plenty of diapers so other than pulling downwards his mentum myself to open his lips I tried to ignore it. He's eleven weeks today and his latch is manner amend now simply I credit his own strength and growth changes, nothing I did. It's definitely not as well belatedly.

Side annotation: baby gets then much milk out of my stud side he can't keep upwards and spills some out of his mouth now. It's kind of a mess to deal with but at least I know milk exists!

I had trouble nursing my first for months. She was about 10 weeks one-time when I got her latch corrected. Then I don't think it's too late.

my first was lip tied which caused some issues in the commencement with latching. That lead me to using a nipple shield for the first 3 months. Eventually he had a better latch & nosotros didn't use the nipple shield & he nursed to 18 months. Good luck!

Go to a pediatric dentist and get her checked for a tongue tie.

It's never likewise late! I requite 20 seconds, and if it still hurts, I pull him off and relatch. Google the "flipple" latch technique. Information technology saved my nipples.

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When Is It Too Late To Fix Improper Latch,


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